Safe in a Storage Container Causes Man to Drop to His Knees

Published on February 12, 2023

Human Skeleton

While many of the finds the crew uncover end up being entertaining, one find was downright chilling. Dave Hester was looking through a locker when he found a collection of human bones including hands, arms, and a skull. Stunned, he found an expert in order to determine if they were real. While the expert confirmed that the bones were real, he also let Dave know that there was no foul play involved because of the way the bones were cleaned and stored. In the end, the skeleton was worth $1670.

Human Skeleton

Human Skeleton

Eyeglasses For Chickens

Why is it that Barry is always finding the strangest items possible? When he purchased a unit for $350, he was hoping to find something valuable in there. However, he came across a box of glasses and it turned out that they were actually for chickens! In the 1940s and 50s, chicken owners would place them onto the chickens to avoid them pecking each others’ eyes out.

Eyeglasses For Chickens

Eyeglasses For Chickens