Safe in a Storage Container Causes Man to Drop to His Knees

Published on February 12, 2023

Antique Metal Bleeder

Before modern medicine was around, there were many devices used in order to try to help cure patients. One of these pieces of equipment was the metal bleeder, which doctors used to drain blood from people with different illnesses. In one of the episodes of the show, Darrell found one of these devices, which is pretty unusual to say the least.

Antique Metal Bleeder

Antique Metal Bleeder

Vintage Dental Tools

In season two, Barry won a storage unit and while he was looking through the items inside of it, he found a box with interesting looking tools. It turned out that it was full of vintage dental tools, and he went to get them appraised. One of the items was a 200 year old tooth puller, can you imagine how painful that would have been without any anesthesia?

Vintage Dental Tools

Vintage Dental Tools