This Mother Noticed Something Strange About Her Foster Children That Would Change Their Lives Forever

Published on February 2, 2020

More Shocking News on the Horizon

Katie thought that after adopting Hannah, she would keep fostering on occasions, but she was done adopting. She already had two beautiful children, but she didn’t know if she could handle a third child. Little did Katie know; she was about to get a phone call that would change the family of three even more.

Hannahs Adoption Photo

Hannahs Adoption Photo

Another Abandoned Child

It wasn’t long after adopting Hannah that Katie got a phone call that would further change her already full family even more. It turns out that Grayson and Hannah’s birth mother had brought forward and subsequently abandoned yet another child. Katie instantly wanted to take the child in, but she was not sure if she would be able to handle a third child, especially since this new child was likely to suffer from the same drug-related problems that her other two children suffered from.

Hannah Is The Newest Addition To The Growing Family

Hannah Is The Newest Addition To The Growing Family