This Mother Noticed Something Strange About Her Foster Children That Would Change Their Lives Forever

Published on February 2, 2020

A Sudden Change 

Katie had decided that she wanted to wait to grow her family until Grayson had time to grow into his new life. He had some issues related to the drugs his birth mother had taken while she was pregnant, requiring most of Katie’s time. Fate, however, had a different plan in mind. Only about a month after adopting Grayson, Katie got a call about a baby girl that had been abandoned at a local clinic by the name of Hannah.

Kate And Grayson At The Adoption Hearing

Kate And Grayson At The Adoption Hearing

No Choice at All

When Katie received the phone call about Hannah, she was immediately taken back to the night that she met Grayson. His birth mother had also abandoned him at a local clinic. Like Grayson, Hannah had been exposed to numerous drugs while in the womb. Katie knew that she needed to focus her attention on Grayson, but she could not ignore Hannah’s plight. In the end, Katie knew what she had to do.

Kate Knew She Had No Choice At All

Kate Knew She Had No Choice At All