The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

A Desolate Wonder

This now deserted building is located in the countryside of the Republic of Abkhazia. The fantasy-esque landscape holds a history of torment and tragedy. Back in the 1990s, the building took part in the Georgian Genocide, forced expulsion, and massacre of over 250,000 Georgian citizens. This was a way of ‘ethnically cleansing’ the country. It is both incredible and horrifying to think a place of such beauty held one of the worst tragedies of the 20th century.

Deserted College

Deserted College

Waiting to Blossom

Located in Delhi, India, this religious temple, a Bahá’í house of worship, was completed in 1986. The temple’s won many different awards for its architecture. In 2001, the well-known newscaster, CNN, rated it one of the most viewed locations in the world. The lotus shape adds an artistic and original design to the plain area that surrounds it. The temple is also a popular tourist site, due to the open arms policy of the ones who reside in the temple.

Lotus Building

Lotus Building