The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

An Annular Inception

This scene from Hong Kong is a collection of 43 photos combined to create this illusory panoramic design. Using a Phantom 4 Pro, a drone able to record in UHD 4k at 60fps, the photographer successfully brought a dream-like state to the physical world. it is almost as if the world closed in on itself and is being swallowed up by the sun. It is a beautiful collage of high-resolution images pieced together to create something that tricks the senses.

Circular City

Circular City

A Collection of Stars

Fort Bourtange, completed in 1593, is a building whose design resembles the stars stamped into the night sky. It is a building once used to control and defend the road between Germany and Groningen. This particular use ended in the year 1851. Found in the Netherlands, it is protected by a collection of moats encased within a wall of trees. The building is now a historical museum. Certainly, an amazing place to visit, its beautiful scenery is worth seeing in person.

Star Fort

Star Fort