The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

Staring into Your Soul

If the drone that captured this photo had any sense of fear, the dead eyes of this staring clown would strike fear into its circuits. This was taken in Huntsville, Alabama, most likely around the time when clowns stalked the streets, terrorizing anyone in their way. The fact this clown is standing in the middle of a cornfield adds to the overall creepiness of the situation. It looks like a scene lifted from a horror movie or a very creepy Halloween decoration.

Staring Clown

Staring Clown

The Corpses of Boats

These sunken heaps of boats found on Staten Island in New York, is a part of a boat cemetery found in the 1930s. Like the graveyard for planes in Arizona, these boats are usually sold for parts to avoid a loss of profit and to save money in the construction in new boats. There are still around a hundred ships currently dissolving into the water it lays in. The scene offers something of a post-apocalyptic world for photographers and tourists alike.

Boat Cemetery

Boat Cemetery