The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

A Thousand Birds

This image is of a farmer feeding his ducks, just down the river in Tuy Hoa, Vietnam. Standing in the Ba river, the man, surrounded by what looks to be hundreds of ducks, is the perfect representation of how widespread duck farming is in the country. Not only does it provide various forms of nutrients, the ducks also couple as a much-needed insect repellent. The act of duck farming produces an amount of 30 million a year, helping to sustain the many citizen’s way of life.

Abundance Of Ducks

Abundance Of Ducks

The Spiraled Tundra

Deep within the frozen plains of Siberia, the Mir Mine, or the Mirny mine, an open-pit diamond mine, sits within the Sakha Republic in Eastern Russia. A group of geologists based in Russia were the first to excavate the diamonds in the year 1955. The mine was once able to produce around 10 billion carats of diamonds a year, helping an economy rebuild after a devastating war. From the drone’s prospective, the mine looks like a portal into another world.

The Mir Mine

The Mir Mine