Teenager’s Revenge Was Sweet after Waitress Mocked Him for Paying with Coins

Published on April 5, 2022

A Straightforward Explanation

The customers immediately noticed her large baby bump and tired expression, but when they voiced their concerns, Courtney brushed aside their concerns, explaining to them that: “I was telling the people at the table behind him that it was my first baby. I was going out of work soon.”

A Straightforward Explanation

A Straightforward Explanation

The Note

After the officer’s bill was given to him, Courtney realized that he had way overpaid. She also noticed the note he left on the bill, which read: “Enjoy your 1st, you will never forget it.” She realized: “He must have overheard my conversation with other customers.” She was overcome with emotion and burst into tears, feeling so grateful at his act of kindness.

The Note

The Note