Photos That You Won’t Believe Aren’t Photoshopped

Published on November 11, 2019

The Line is Too Perfect

Our brains are programmed to take in a lot of visual data and process it as fast as possible. It is also very good at filling in gaps in that visual data.  That is where most illusions come from; your brain trying to rationalize the data that it is getting. There are certain things that automatically draw the attention of your brain as a result. Perfectly straight lines are one such example. How does something like that line up perfectly anyway?

Its Hard Not To See It

Its Hard Not To See It

Holi Powder Looks Like Fire

Sometimes a picture just gets taken at the perfect time to create an amazing illusion. This picture was taken of a dog covered in Holi power that makes it look like the dog is on fire. The powder itself is harmless and is often used in festival celebrations to add color. If you are worried about covering a dog in a strange powder, you can relax. Holi powder is non-toxic and is made with food grade ingredients.

Its Not What It Looks Like We Swear

Its Not What It Looks Like We Swear