No Gym, No Problem: The Best At-Home Workouts

Published on May 7, 2020

Tabletop Leg Lifts

This move has roots in Pilates but can be incorporated into any routine in order to achieve stronger legs. Starting at a tabletop position, lift one leg up into the air and extend it all the way behind you. For an extra burn, pulse up top for 10-20 counts, and bring your leg back down and repeat the exercise.

Tabletop Leg Lifts

Tabletop Leg Lifts

Leg Lifts

This move is a serious lower ab workout that you’ll be feeling very quickly. Start out by lying down on a mat with your legs straight up in the air. Put your arms by your side and lift your legs up into the air with your toes flexed and slowly move them back down. Try doing 10-15 of these, they’re quite challenging.

Leg Lifts

Leg Lifts