This Mother Noticed Something Strange About Her Foster Children That Would Change Their Lives Forever

Published on February 2, 2020

Giving Him Time to Grow

Grayson officially became Katie’s child at 11 months old in May of 2017. Unfortunately, there were still problems to deal with. While the drugs that Grayson was exposed to in the womb would not have any lasting effects, there were some difficulties for him because of the exposure. The exposure left him with both physical and mental issues that he would have to outgrow in time. Since Grayson needed time to grow, Katie decided that it would be best to wait until he was 18 months old before taking in another foster child.

Grayson Needed Time To Grow

Grayson Needed Time To Grow

The First Termination Hearing

When a child is in foster care and trying to be adopted, the court has what is called a termination hearing. The termination hearing is the last court case before the court officially strips the birth parents of all rights and claims to the child. It is not uncommon for birth parents to fail to attend the termination hearing. For Katie, this would be an emotional rollercoaster of a day, but it was worth it for her to add little Grayson to her family permanently.

She Needed To Focus On Grayson

She Needed To Focus On Grayson