Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

Scanning the Lake

Evan had been working at a water sports rental store at the lake, so he was very knowledgeable about the area and the waters. He had scanned the area so many times with his drone that he was sure he knew every inlet, nook, and cranny. He wasn’t expecting to see anything out of the ordinary when he took out his drone one day to let it drift over the calm waters. He sent the drone out as he always did, and then retrieved it for review.


Collecting Footage

The First Look

Evan pulled in his drone, and hooked it up to check out what footage he had captured. In any other case, Evan would have certainly got some great shots of the lake and its surroundings. However, on this day, Evan caught something that would completely shock him. The photos looked pretty normal for the first little bit, and then he started to see something that made him gasp. It was something so strange and surreal, that he didn’t know what he was looking at.


Something Shocking