Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019


Evan was passionate about his community, and he was an active member of the local fire safety council. Evan had always been passionate about weather and reporting, and he saw this as an opportunity to provide locals with correct, and up-to-the-minute updates. This way, no one would be misinformed about the fires, and people would be able to refer to his social media to understand what was going on. It was a brave thing to do, seeing as there were hardly any people left in the area.


A Civic Duty

The First Post

Using his social media, Evan began to inform people about the worsening conditions. He warned that an evacuation of the entire area was imminent, and that people should start gathering their valuables and pets to take to a safer location. Evan was getting all kinds of responses and it seemed like his efforts were incredibly important to the community. Evan had called it—that same afternoon, a full evacuation was put into action. More people began relying on Evan for updates.


Wildfire Updates