Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

Some Potential

Although this was a chilling story, Evan wasn’t sure how much it had to do with the hole he had found. The woman had gotten caught in a whirlpool, which would have been moving in a circular motion like a drain. However, the hole that his drone found didn’t have that kind of movement. Instead, the water was going straight towards the hole and dropping right down. It wasn’t the same kind of water movement, so he wasn’t sure if they were connected.


Breaking Down the Possibilities

72 Feet

Evan sent his drone out on yet another mission, and this time he made sure to keep the drone far above the hole. By doing so, Evan was able to get some basic parameters of the area. He concluded that he hole was about 72 feet wide, which was incredibly large! In the image, cars that are driving by in the distance look miniscule in comparison. Evan wasn’t satisfied. He wanted to know how deep the hole was, and where it went.


A Huge Space