The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

Serpents Road

This image was taken by Calin Stan as part of the Transylvania Roads Project. It is a photo of the Cheia DN1A road that leads to Transylvania in Romania. A popular legend surrounds the road is that it is the same one that Dracula saw during his nighttime flight. The road looks swallowed by the trees surrounding it like it has become a permanent part of the forest travel through, like a giant serpent that has forever become a part of the scenery.

Serpent Road

Serpent Road

A Little Green Amidst the White

During the winter months, the amount of snow can range anywhere between a few inches to several feet, covering the ground in a blanket of white. apart from the small patch of green from the forest nearby, everything in the photo is encased in snow, making the trees stand out even more. It is as if the trees are refusing to lose the vibrant colors they held during the warmer months, along with the black trail that travels between the snow and trees.

Winter Scene

Winter Scene