The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

The Waste of America

One look at the photo would probably bring about feelings of patriotism, happiness, beauty, or power, along with many other feelings. Despite the color array, the photo original meaning would make one question our way of life. A collection of photos put together to show the amount of waste humans have unleashed onto the world. From our short time on earth, since our evolution, we have unleashed devastation and pollution upon the world we share. It is a wake-up call to show us how we are destroying the planet.

Red, White, And Blue

Red, White, And Blue

Ominous Shadows

At a quick glance, the image looks like a horror scene most would not want to run into in real life. Taken by a drone owned by Tomas Van Houtryve, the enhanced size of the shadows adds personality and life to the photo, one you could not get from the ground. The image is a bit ominous, accenting the now still actions of the people in the photo. Curiosity is most likely the main feeling that pops up while viewing this photo.

