This Is Why Ordering A Diet Coke On A Plane Isn’t The Best Idea

Published on August 21, 2020

Taking a flight is quite an expensive undertaking. Therefore, anything that comes complimentary is truly appreciated, such as the complimentary snacks and drinks. Who doesn’t look forward to the flight attendants coming by with that rolling station, offering a variety of beverage options.

However, it seems as though we need to be a bit more careful with our choice of beverage. According to some flight attendants, you should think twice before ordering a Diet Coke. Why? Let’s find out…

This Is Why Flight Attendants Hate When You Order Diet Coke

This Is Why Flight Attendants Hate When You Order Diet Coke

Diet Coke orders are a nightmare for flight attendants, and the reason is that the drink does not react well to the high altitude, and therefore makes it more frustrating to pour. The combination of low air pressure and high altitude causes a reaction with the drink’s CO2, resulting in the drink becoming bubblier than usual. Thus, the whole process is slowed down and flight attendants must deal with this fallout.

One flight attendant shared her thoughts on her blog These Golden Wings, “Pouring Diet Coke is one of the biggest slow downs in the bar service and on the shorter flights those precious seconds count!” She goes on to explain: “If all 3 passengers ask for diet coke I’ll often get them started, take another three drink orders, serve those, and then finish the Diet Cokes.”

While all carbonated drinks are affected by the altitude and pressure, it appears as though Diet Coke is especially affected. Who knew? So, if you want to be mindful of your flight attendant’s patience, maybe opt for a regular Coke instead next time.

What do you think? Should it matter, or do you just want to enjoy your Diet Coke in peace?

Diet Coke On A Plane

Diet Coke On A Plane