Girl Scout Cookies To Be Delivered By Drones

Published on June 8, 2021
A Girl Scouts troop in Virginia will be the first to test out a brand new way of delivery their famous cookies: by using high flying technology. By teaming up with Google, you could be seeing Thin Mints delivered to you by drones. Are we living in the future or what?
Wing Joines Forces With Girl Scouts

Wing Joines Forces With Girl Scouts

Wing, the drone delivery subsidiary of Alphabet (Google’s parent company) operates in Christiansburg, Virginia. Residents of the town have been able to benefit from their services of drone delivery for FedEx packages, library books, and Girl Scout Cookies.

Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council and Wing joined forces in order to delivery 3000 boxes of cookies by the end of May 2021, making them “the first council to deliver cookies by drone,”as one scout proudly proclaimed.

Even though this is fun and exciting in the most delicious sci-fi way possible, the partnership actually arose from need. Due to the pandemic, Girl Scouts had to get creative when it came to selling their cookies beyond their door-to-door traditional method.

The obvious answer was to turn to online methods, some troops still found that they were left with a huge amount of unsold boxes of cookies. According to Wing, cookie sales were down 50%, which is why the drones are providing a new and buzz-worthy way to deliver the cookies without violating social distancing measures.

The Most Delicious Drone Deliveries

The Most Delicious Drone Deliveries

There’s also another positive side to drone deliveries. According to and interview with Wing on Good News Network, drone deliveries are more environmentally-friendly than more conventional delivery methods using cars.

Wing shared: “It makes a lot more sense to deliver a 1-pound box of cookies with a 10-pound drone than it does to do it with a 3,000-pound car.” Drones can carry up to 3.3 pounds worth of deliveries, so that means several boxes at a time.

Joining forces with Wing gives Girl Scouts exposure to the world of STEM and can help encourage more young girls and women to pursue a career in the field. A troop member shared: “Drones are going to help change our world, and Girl Scouts want to help that, so drones are going to be a very awesome way to do that.”

Hopefully Girl Scout cookies drone deliveries will expand beyond Christiansburg and we can all have a delicious drone delivery of Thin Mints arrive at our doorstep.

Girl Scout Cookies Get Drone Revamp

Girl Scout Cookies Get Drone Revamp