Explaining the Strangest and Most Confusing Cat Behaviors

Published on March 23, 2022

Owning a cat is an adventure. They’re a personal companion and can give you many rewards. However, you may notice that your cat has unusual or quirky traits. Do you wonder why cats head-butt others or push things from the kitchen counter? It’s natural to be curious.

Some cats do weird things, so you’re left making sense of it all. However, you no longer have to worry that they’re running around the house in the early morning. Below, you find real explanations about why your kitty friends have such strange behaviors. Continue reading to find out more about your cat!

Pawing Water

One popular myth claims that cats hate water. That’s true in some cases, but many cats love it. Therefore, if your kitty paws at the water bowl, they’re probably playing. They may also prefer moving water to drink, and the pawing aerates it.

Pawing Water

Pawing Water

Lying on Stuff

Just when you decide to use your computer or anything else, your cat lies across it, blocking access. They do it for a reason! In fact, your cat wants to have your attention, so they stay between the object and you. It’s territorial for them!

Lying On Stuff

Lying On Stuff